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+ $6.00 shipping

Cemetery Records in Polk County, Missouri   


compiled by Kirchner, Roy Stanley Jr.   
four volume set, indexed, size 8.5 x 11 inches,
soft cover   
This four-volume set is a compilation of all the known cemetery data found in Polk County. Indexed.
The majority of the cemetery listings are arranged alphabetically. Each book approx. 350pages
NOT sold separately.  Member discount* available.

*A member discount of $25.00 is available for this item, making the total price $100 plus shipping. 
Upon verification of member status, you will be issued a rebate of $25.00 through PayPal.


Shipping is included in the price unless otherwise listed.

Polk County Genealogical Society, Inc.
Headquartered in Bolivar, Missouri, United States of America

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Copyright 2003-2020, Polk County Genealogical Society, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Last revised: January 1, 2018

Located on the southeast corner of the courthouse square in Bolivar, MO